Invasive Weeds in Long Lake

Curly-leaf Pondweed Eurasian Water-milfoil

In 2002 Curly-leaf Pondweed and Eurasian Water-milfoil were identified by the Wisconsin DNR in our lakes. These weeds start growing in spring, spread fast, and float on the surface creating navigation problems and choking out the desirable native weeds which are required for healthy fish habitat.

Efforts to control these species began in 2007. Since then the LLPA was formed and we have been able to complete an annual herbicide treatment along with harvesting in 2010. Now, with having been awarded the significant Invasive Species Grant from the State of Wisconsin we must follow a very specific, professionally developed "wholelake" treatment plan and fulfill a significant list of area-wide environmentally focused educational deliverables through our association volunteers.

These efforts must be ongoing since these invasive weeds are robust and aggressive. The DNR's first priority is Eurasian Watermilfoil, which spreads by fragmentation (meaning that when this weed is cut or broken the pieces will start a new colony wherever they settle). The DNR's second priority is Curly-leaf Pondweed which may already cover as much as 40 acres. This weed spreads by seeds, which can lay dormant for several years. To insure that the dormant seeds that mature are also treated, we must remain committed and focused on our efforts to eradicate these weeds from our lake.

The Association Plan

The Long Lake Preservation Association was formed to deal with Eurasian Water-milfoil and Curly-leaf Pondweed. Through the dedicated efforts of our board and other volunteers, we have been able to secure three significant grants through the State of Wisconsin, which are 75% cost sharing grants. The first, an Early Detection Rapid Response grant for Eurasian Water-milfoil provided up to $10,000 during the 2008 & 2009 seasons. The second grant, valued at up to $150,000 was awarded late in 2010 and will provide 75% funding for a focused, planned treatment of both Curly-leaf pondweed and Eurasian Water-milfoil for the 2011-2013 seasons. The third grant is an extension of the $150,000 grant and an additional $10,065 to continue our treatment into the summer of 2014. Our organization is required to contribute approximately $29,000 over a four-year period, which includes funding from our membership and friends and credit for volunteer hours worked as we strive to fulfill our mission and grant requirements. Volunteer hours count as $12.50 per hour toward the grant, with pontoon use slightly more. Both financial contributions and volunteer time are necessary for success.

We need your support to fulfill and fully achieve all grant requirements. Please help us!

The Association Goal

Our goal for the Long Lake Preservation Association is to apply 100% of dues and donations each year toward getting and keeping control over these two exotic weed species.


The association has prepared a slide presentation explaining the objectives and plans - see below.


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West Bend, WI
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