Long Lake Receives AIS Grant

The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Grant Program operates under a reimbursement system. The grant money represents a partnership between the DNR and the LLPA which must raise funds before any DNR reimbursements will be disbursed. The DNR will reimburse the organization 75% of the total project expenditures. Projects must be performed over a three year period.

View our Grant History

The Long Lake Preservation Association was organized in 2007 to enhance, preserve and protect the quality of Long and Tittle lakes including the north and south channels for future generations through effective environmental and education policies. The association is funded by its members and additional fund raising events.

The Association membership is open to anyone interested in the health of Long and Tittle Lake's so that it can be enjoyed for future generations. If you are not a current member, now is the time to join in their efforts to control the invasive weeds the lakes. If you would like to learn more or join the LLPA, please check out their web site at www.longlakepreservation.org. You may also contact Tom Hinchliffe at 414-533-8725


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