

The LLPA continues to collect money for harvesting (weed cutting), marking the properties to be harvested and supervising the harvest to ensure it is performed within the DNR permit requirements. The areas selected for harvesting are high traffic areas with an extensive weed problem near piers and the north and south channels. The controlled collection of the weeds through harvesting will prevent the undesired cutting and fragmentation by propellers that would spread invasive weeds throughout the lake. The Association contracts with Midwest Aquatics to complete the work. In 2021, over 7,000 tons of weeds were removed at a cost of $10,500.

Goose Round Up

High concentrations of resident geese lead to decreased water quality, disruption of recreational activities and decreased aesthetics from abundance of droppings. In late June the LLPA in conjunction with the DNR and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) rounded up flocks of geese during their molting process when they are flightless. The LLPA provides the eyes on the lake to let the DNR know the flocks’ location. The captured birds are processed and made available to local food pantries for human consumption.  In 2021, fifty five birds were removed from the lake.


Monitoring the Lake Level

To protect the shoreline the LLPA monitors the lake level to control the amount of water going over the dam. If the emergency water level of six inches or higher as read on the pylon in Chinatown, the LLPA President in conjunction with the Township, will initiate an email notification of the temporary no-wake due to high water conditions. In addition, the LLPA will post notices at all boat landings and on the website. As water levels move back down to normal, the LLPA President will send an email that the no-wake limit has been removed.


In 2021, the LLPA donated money to the township to purchase additional no wake buoys to help reduce boat traffic in sensitive areas, protect fish beds and help reduce shore erosion.

Water Quality Testing

The LLPA takes yearly water samples for the DNR which helps us monitor the health of the lake. Test results through this program have shown that the quality of the lake is in pretty good shape. It is the goal of the association to maintain, or maybe even improve, the quality of the lake.

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